Workshop / MiniFellowship with Medfellows
Head&Neck Part 1 – Paranasal sinuses and orbit – szkolenie w języku angielskim
W celu realizacji naszych szkoleń na najwyższym światowym poziomie do prowadzenia kursów zaprosiliśmy wybitnych ekspertów z całego świata.
Szkolenie odbędzie się według sprawdzonego schematu szkoleń MRI opracowanego przez Medfellows.
Two live interactive webinars, 2 hours each, over two consecutive weeks. This course will introduce the radiological anatomy of the orbits, nose and paranasal sinuses on CT and MRI, with demonstration and discussion of a selection of cases of varying complexity.
In this course you will learn :
– how to approach a scan, by having a systematic thought process
– the utility of each imaging modality (CT/MRI – when and why to use each)
– to identify abnormality based on knowledge of anatomy
– to correctly and confidently interpret findings and avoid pitfalls.
Na 6 dni przed workshop’em uczestnicy otrzymają dostęp do bazy przypadków wg poniżej przedstawionego schematu.
Dni 1-6
W ciągu tygodnia, na platformie Google Classroom, publikowane będą materiały szkoleniowe oraz pytania do przypadków (badań radiologicznych) co pomoże zbudować wiedzę przed workshop’em online w dniu 7.
Strategia bardzo prosta: minimum czasu maksimum treści.
Dzień 7
Workshop online (wg programu) z aktywną analizą przypadków.
Kurs online odbędzie się na platformie ZOOM z wykorzystaniem specjalnie przygotowanych badań umieszczonych na serwerze Postdicom.
Dr Nada Nakhla
Dr Nakhla is a fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists (UK), currently working as a consultant Head and Neck radiologist at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital and West Middlesex University Hospital London.
She has a busy clinical practice and extensive teaching experience at three of London’s largest teaching hospitals.
She is the co-author of several publications, invited speaker and presenter at many conferences as well as organizer of Head and Neck radiology courses in the UK.
She was recently nominated for an Excellence in Education award at St George’s University Hospital London.
Dr Youssef Mentias
Dr Mentias is a is a fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists (UK) and the European Society of Head & Neck Radiology.
He works as a Head and neck radiologist at South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS trust.
He is a passionate educator and runs regular head and neck educational meetings for Radiology and ENT trainees in the region.
He has lectured at a number of events around the UK and is a regular reviewer of several radiology journals.